#magenta and pink and red terracotta
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julia-writes-things · 6 months ago
I made a "which mutual am I" thing so here you go💥💥💥
This was fun to make actually :]
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literaryvein-reblogs · 1 month ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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nikosaki · 9 months ago
“I want to use specific names for colours/shades but I don’t know many!” Hahaha sakira has got you! If you want to add colour to the objects or stuff in your writing you shouldn’t just write it like this
“Her dress was red” “His eyes were purple”
That makes your writing bland, it dumbs down the readers imagination during reading. Instead describe the colour like this
“Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day”
“His eyes could be compared to that of a raven’s deep violet eyes”
(tip: amethyst is an overused word, there’s a list of other purple words below you should check out)
You can describe colours using objects because it will give shape to the sentence but don’t always go too detailed. If you make one sentence with a lot of adjectives and everything then don’t over use it in the other sentence that’s is.
But remember to use a simile like “as” or “like” if you do use objects.
I already wrote “Her dress was like a cup of Rooibos tea under a sunlit day” so next time when I mention the dress’s colour again I am going to write something like this
“Her garnet dress flowed in the wind”
Why? Because simple sentenced always enchance the writing and gives reader a feeling.
now that we are done with how to write colours let’s see some synonyms!!
white- bleached , colourless , pearly , milky , snowy, ivory , salt , Lacey , linen , frosty, daisy parchment , porcelain, cotton , rice bone
black- ebony, midnight, jade , spider , coal , pitch black, void , empty, sooty , obsidian , metal, onyx , ink , crow
grey- shadow, ash , graphite , foggy, dove , silver , dull, cloud ,slate, iron, smoke, pebble
red- garnet, blush , Merlot , cherry , crimson, rose, sangria, bloody, berry , currant, terracotta, jam , merlot
orange- tangerine , ginger , apricot, autumn , spice , amber, rust, marmalade, pumpkin , carrot , clay, golden , copper , ochre
yellow- gold, canary , light , butterscotches, dandelion, honey , blonde, corn, saffron , ocher, buttermilk
green- beryl , viridescent , olive , emerald , pickle, leafy , sage , lime , pear , mint, mignonette, glaucous
blue- ocean , aqua , cobalt, navy , sapphire, admiral, denim , cerulean, indigo , lapis , peacock, aegean, azure , turquoise, cyan , arctic
purple - amethyst , raven , violet ,lilac , lavender, plum , magenta ,orchid , mulberry, heather, raisin, amaranthine , eggplant , iris , periwinkle
pink- blush , cherry blossom , taffy , peach, flamingo , rosey , salmon , fuscia, rosewood , pale red
IMPORTANT : remember to do GOOD research on shades!! You need to know which one you can use as an adjective and which one is a noun. If it’s a noun turn it into adjective, if it cannot be turned into an adjective then use a simile.
There’s more and if you know put it in the reblogs
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askzloyxp · 5 months ago
favorite minecraft natural block? favorite unnatural block?
Hilariously, Nether Brick occupies both of these XD
It really is deepslate tile before deepslate tile was a thing, makes for great roofing material, super abundant and can be mass produced out of garbage, prompts you to build a supersmelter, can be side-upgraded into Red Nether Brick which is also a super juicy texture, goes well with a bunch of other pink-liliac blocks like magenta terracotta or stripped crimson hyphea..
Dang, I should really build something with it again, and there was that netherite shop I've been amping up to do >:)
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honourablejester · 8 months ago
Fun With Glazed Terracotta in Minecraft
Not going to lie, this started because I'm having a lot of fun currently using excel as graph paper to doodle things. I made a rosette pattern using four colours:
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And then figured I'd have some fun in minecraft making big floor patterns using glazed terracotta in this pattern:
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Started with red, yellow and black, using blackstone for the fourth element.
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Then tried greens, using green wool for the fourth element.
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Pinks and purples. The magenta wool was a necessity here because I'm not using magenta glazed terracotta for anything except direction signs.
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Blues. I've noticed that yellow glazed terracotta unifies most things, owing to several of the other glazed terracottas having yellow elements. Also it tiles well and is just one of the prettiest.
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Then I got a little weirder with brown, light grey, cyan and orange, and I think it actually is one of the best combos? Very busy, but they harmonise really well actually.
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This one, though, I think is my favourite. Yellow again, with brown, white and orange. I feel like I got the tessellation of the patterns within the terracottas right with this one. The brown diagonals, the oranges and whites circling the yellow. Yeah. This one's my favourite.
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merry-andrews · 7 months ago
Thank you @atcmicbxtty for tagging me for this cute game!! I got two results, one for me and one for my John!
splattered paint, glitter, childhood friends, neon, pleather, dance floors, crystals. your essence is magenta: you are charming and lead with your heart. you are drawn to people; you adore the thrill, that rush of attention when making an instant connection. even if you are not genuine, you are confident. you are the enchanter. you are the party-goer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of pink, rose, amethyst, and amaranth, who share your magnetism towards others. you are also drawn to the driven noir and umber, who will help you grow and become more introspective. however, you may struggle to get along with the ruminating personalities of forest and marigold who seem to always overthink.
(Awww it was a sweet result! <3 )
For my John: Red
leather jackets, cherries, bruised knuckles, roses, lipstick, fast cars, rose petals. your essence is red: you are a spirit of intensity who effortlessly inspires others. you struggle to slow down; there is always another goal, another prize, to prove you are strong enough to them. you cannot stop speaking for the voiceless. you are the torch-wielder. you are the rebel. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of crimson, blush, terracotta, and fire, who share your unapologetic nature. you are also drawn to the free-spirited souls purple and yellow, who will help you grow and see that you can lighten your heart sometimes. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of blue and brown who are too methodical.
Tagging: @aerospectrum @h-a-unted @shieldshawk @avengerssugardaddy @deliciouskeys @digitalbath1988 @devilander @dollhidden @halfdent @blastedheadhk @beelzelbat @brknmnds @chaoticjoke @cinnamon-treebranch @edwardnashtons @eutz @esperata @feralweapon @frankedz @gottaread2 @hija-ck @homiro @hotmessteaparty @justsurv1vor @jigsawscarred @kosmochlor @vanshoundd @vergeltvng @vihrago @nghtmarish @twiicetheheart @tokillaking13 @thevanityofthefox @theryanbutcher
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thesilliestrovingalive · 27 days ago
Updated: February 6, 2025
Reworked Character #19: Tyra Elson
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, sexual exploitation, SA, pedophilia, self-harm, and torture.
Real name: Tyra Rhoxane Elson
Nickname: Tyler
Occupation: Warrant Officer of Division 6, cadet for the P.F. Squad (formerly), and guerrilla for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become a cosmetologist and open up a dog shelter
Special skills: Foraging for food and edible plants in the wilderness, expertise in all military weaponry and stalking, makeup artistry, survivalism, and breakdancing
Hobbies: Hairstyling, cloud watching, taking care of her dog, playing volleyball at the beach, and listening to music and sketching random doodles with Walter and Dilovar
Likes: Wearing her favourite knee-length pleated skirt of pastel pink, seafoam green, and golden yellow flannel fabric, adorable dogs, fighting against evil, her putty and plushie collection, and Walter
Dislikes: Cowardice, the Ptolemaic Army, feeling dirty and used, witnessing homes being destroyed, and having her Buck 110 Folding Hunter Knife and/or her two treasured plushies forcibly taken away
Favourite food: Chicken and waffles
Favourite drink: Zobo and mango boba tea
Sexuality: Demiromantic heterosexual
Gender: Transmaculine female
Age: 12 (in 2022), 18 (in 2028), 20 (in 2030), 22 (in 2032), 24 (in 2034), 31 (in 2041), 33 (in 2043), 34 (in 2044), and 37 (in 2047)
Blood type: O+
Weight: 104 lbs. (47 kg)
Design: She’s a 5’ 5” (165.1 cm) American ectomorph of Afro-Caribbean descent with a well-toned musculature, a spoon-shaped body, hips slightly wider than her full bust, broad shoulders, and curvy legs. She has semi-full lips, light caramel skin, cocoa eyes, acrofacial milky-white vitiligo, and the same hairstyle as Tyra Elson from Metal Slug Advance, but with light mahogany brown hair. She wears cut crease rose ebony eyeshadow, luxe-style Mountbatten pink eyeliner, and mulberry lip gloss. Her fingernails are painted in an alternating pattern of blue-violet and dark magenta.
Her right eye has a vaguely X-shaped scar and has been replaced with a glass one, which is a lighter shade of cocoa brown. Her left leg is a cybernetic prosthetic, identical to Gimlet's, but with a hidden blade, similar to Marco's, embedded in the centre of the sole. Unlike Gimlet, whose prosthetic takes up his entire leg, hers extends only up to her knee. She bears several scars, including: nineteen cigarette burns on the back of her neck; a slash mark extending from the center of the left side of her neck to her collarbone; a jagged scar running along the top of her right breast and ending at her epigastric region; a gnarled gash scar on the back of her right deltoid; cut marks on the back of her forearms; multiple whip marks covering her front torso; and fairly severe burns on the back of her lower half. Her central back tattoo depicts the decapitated head of a snarling, pallid Medusa with glowing red eyes, black sclera, boar-like tusks, and folded golden wings. Her hair is comprised of thirteen Caspian whipsnakes, and light purple blood pours from the neck, cascading down like a waterfall.
Her military gear consists of a metal dog tag necklace with her name, claret leather wristbands, a tropical indigo belt with an integrated loop to secure her sheathed hatchet, a holder for her tonfa, and a holster for her handgun. She sports a puce vest with four pockets, its original P.F. Squad logo on the back having been replaced by the Division 6 insignia. She wears a flaxen tank top underneath a short-sleeved Persian orange crop top. The crop top features an unfinished, crumbling terracotta pyramid topped with the forward-facing head of an azure-eyed male springbok. She wears dark green, greyish-brown, and charcoal camouflage army cargo pants, which are tucked into the same boots worn by Tyra Elson in Metal Slug Advance.
She has a claret waist pack secured to the back of her belt, which carries nail polish, lip gloss, eyeliner, an eyeshadow palette, three eye brushes, and her mother’s Buck 110 Folding Hunter Knife. The pockets of Tyra’s vest carry around a red jewel with a deep brilliance (a gift from Walter), a shimmering maroon stick of winter fruit punch lip chap, mango-scented perfume, a container of Fairy Sprinkles putty, and a circular amaranth pink pocket mirror. It also carries around a notepad and a black pen, which she uses to jot down key learnings, important details, and potential points to remember for later.
Over her crop top, she dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries around her walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. Her forearms are wrapped in worn gauze bandages, and she wears two dark grey bandoliers: one draped over her left shoulder holds nail bombs, while a second wraps around her waist above her belt, holding .357 Magnum ammunition for her Colt Python. She carries a tropical indigo load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, fire bombs, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a DOLL bodysuit, and a Super Grenade. Her backpack even carries a cellphone with a metallic purple case and four containers of putty: Super Lava, Aurora Sky, Coral Reef, and Gelt.
It also carries two childhood plushies: Gloucester and Cecropia. Gloucester is a smiling cow plushie featuring orangish-brown blotches and a raspberry red bowtie with silver edging. The medium-sized plushie's once-white fur has faded to a worn ivory, and its left black button eye is missing, having been torn out. Cecropia is a 3 ft (91.44 cm) serpentine monster plushie adorned with Greta oto wings, shaggy mauve fur, magic mint tiger stripes along its back, and an adorable baby blue puss moth caterpillar-like face. Its features include two small, pointed silver horns, crimson fangs, and black-rimmed dandelion eyes. A visible dark blue stitch runs from the upper left side of its face to just below the right eye, suggesting that it may have been ripped or cut open at some point.
She wears a black scalloped lace choker featuring a Persian orange band lined with silver spikes. Tyra wears a personalised friendship bracelet featuring Dilovar's name in letter beads, accompanied by alternating rose gold, parrot green, and butterscotch beads.
Character summary: She comes across as reserved and apathetic to those who don't know her with a stoic facial expression and a tendency to speak bluntly to those she doesn't trust. It's her way of intimidating those she prefers to distance herself from, while also showcasing her strength and capability as a strong, independent woman. However, she’s a deeply compassionate, friendly, and supportive person with exceptional emotional intelligence skills. Tyra genuinely cares about those close to her, particularly her English bulldog, Angelica, and harbours a deep-seated fear of losing them suddenly. She'll fiercely defend Angelica against any insults, as she loves her dearly and treasures their time together. She believes Angelica is super friendly and harmless, despite being vaguely aware that she occasionally bites people's ankles or fingers without provocation.
She prefers to be called Tyler because it makes her feel more masculine and confident in herself. While she's okay with being called Tyra, she dislikes it when people use that name in a confrontational or angry tone. Tyra is fairly intelligent, thanks to her insatiable thirst for knowledge, her passion for self-directed learning, and her ability to draw valuable lessons from past mistakes. She’s naturally curious about the world around her and isn’t afraid to explore her surroundings, even if it means taking calculated risks. She has excellent parenting skills and is great with children, making sure they feel happy and safe. However, she struggles with self-doubt about her ability to be a good mother due to a past experience where she abandoned her children.
Despite her curiosity, she's very cautious and attentive, staying vigilant around new people and in unfamiliar territory. She has a bit of a dry sense of humour, often blending it with either macabre or lighthearted themes. She exudes humble confidence, but occasionally showcases her survival skills and bravery with a hint of arrogance. Tyra is known to playfully tease and engage in friendly competitions with rivals and friends to prove who has superior fighting and survival capabilities.
She has a short temper when faced with disrespect, careless behaviour, and a lack of accountability, which often causes her to react impulsively and say things she usually later regrets. However, there are also times when she chooses to ignore such behaviour and remain silent. She has a strong desire to fight against evil, showing no fear in standing up for what's right and confronting injustices. She’s disgusted by sexual violence, racism, sexism, perverted behaviours, the slaughter of innocent people, and the exploitation and manipulation of vulnerable individuals. Tyra  takes immense pride in her fearlessness and has a strong aversion to cowardice, seeing it as a failure to stand up for oneself and others. When she does feel afraid and retreats from a fight or situation due to feeling overwhelmed, she's consumed by shame and regret. In these moments, she doubts whether she's truly as brave as she and others perceive her to be.
She has a profound love for plushies, especially animal and monster designs, which offer her genuine comfort. Gloucester and Cecropia are her most cherished plushies, serving as a source of emotional support during her darkest moments and a reminder of home. Tyra has uncanny expertise with various weaponry, which she's reluctant to acknowledge, and a habit of stalking her prey like a cold-hearted assassin. She's a sassy, hard-working, nature-loving, and introverted leader who believes in environmental stewardship and exhibits a merciless and belligerent demeanour towards her adversaries. She's known to mark her face, neck, and arms with the blood of her defeated foes and to rip off the flesh of their abdomen before spitting it out, as a way to assert her dominance and feel empowered.
She lives with PTSD, mild generalised anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder. Although she has binge-eating disorder, she has made significant progress in developing a healthier relationship with food. She has been working on eating until she feels satisfied, stopping when full, and not letting setbacks discourage her. However, she still struggles with feelings of guilt after overeating and tends to severely restrict her food intake per day. She struggles with suicidal ideation, severe trust issues, and overwhelming guilt related to her abandoning her children, killing her youngest child, and not supporting the local town children in their fight against the Ptolemaic Army. She hates being victim-blamed for situations that were beyond her control and couldn't have been predicted, and feeling like she can't defend herself. She also hates being objectified and treated as a sex object, which makes her feel dirty, used, and stripped of her humanity.
She's a good friend of Trevor and Nadia, secretly admiring the latter, and the three of them often go shopping, eat out, and spend time at the beach together after a long mission. She often smokes a joint with Trevor and Marco, engaging in random conversations that come to mind and intently listening to the two discuss computers and technological software. She often clashes with Tarma due to his relaxed demeanour and sarcastic comments, as she believes he's not suited for military service, feeling that he doesn't take anything seriously. She views Guilherme as a father figure, finding his presence comforting and serene. She cherishes every moment they spend together and hopes that he'll have the opportunity to live a happier life after leaving the Rebel Army. Despite being part of the Regular Army, where many hold disdain for the Rebel Army, Guilherme's kindness and distrust of his own army have shown her that not every Rebel soldier is irredeemable and fiercely loyal to Morden's cause.
She's a close friend of Dilovar and finds him to be hilarious and bewildering, but also uncomfortably weird at times. She admires his independence, courage, and outgoing nature, and appreciates the gentle and respectful way he treats her. She's surprised by his affectionate nature towards her, but welcomes it because she values feeling loved and cherished by those close to her. However, she finds his secretive nature, overly optimistic attitude, abnormal killer instincts, and uncanny ability to connect with the South Pacific natives to be suspicious, but she can't quite put her finger on why.
Initially, she saw Walter as an aggressive, arrogant jerk who liked to one-up people and stir up trouble. However, she did appreciate his kindness towards women and his willingness to stand up for what's right, never backing down in fear. Despite her reservations, she admits that competing with him to see who had superior fighting and survival skills during their cadet years was actually enjoyable. As they opened up and formed a platonic bond that blossomed into romance, she developed deep feelings for Walter, cherishing every moment with him, willing to support him unconditionally, and playfully reciprocating his flirtations.
She adores how affectionate he is with her and delights in being showered with praise, compliments about her appearance, hugs, and sloppy kisses, which she always reciprocates. However, she finds his overprotectiveness and occasional denseness to be frustrating at times. She sometimes gets into heated arguments with him over his thoughtless actions and angrily reprimands him. However, she always apologises afterwards, especially if she realises she has unintentionally hurt his feelings.
She rejects the idea of absolute truths in ethics and moral norms, believing that values differ from person to person. This subjective nature of morality often leads to internal and external conflicts such as existential crises and heated debates. Nevertheless, she thinks people have the capacity to make rational moral decisions, which should be respected to promote human freedom, unless they cause harm. She believes that war is a means for nations to shape a desirable future, but this comes at the cost of enslaving people to support war efforts and disregarding the well-being and basic needs of civilians and soldiers. In addition, she doesn't believe in a cyclical life, thinking that it's only a linear progression from birth to death. She believes the deities are too cruel to allow reincarnation for all, and only grant it to those they consider to be their favourites.
Backstory: Tyra Rhoxane Elson was born on November 11, 2010 in Alaska, United States. She lived in a rural village nestled in a remote north-east mountain recess with her parents, three older sisters (Nichelle, Shanae, and Kaliyah), two older brothers (Jalen and Kyrie), and grandfather. The village was surrounded by ample farmland for crops and livestock, a dense boreal forest, and a freshwater stream. The community was tight-knit, emphasising mutual support, conflict resolution, collaborative parenting, and environmental sustainability. Her family owned a field of summer squash and artichokes, a chicken coop, and a barn filled with cattle and pigs.
Her father, an Afro-Caribbean pirate turned farmer, abandoned his seafaring life to devote himself to his family and the land. Her mother, a white American huntress, helped build homes for the village. Her maternal grandfather, a retired livestock veterinarian, was a respected elder in the community. Tyra and her siblings helped on the farm and received their education from the village elders. Her father would share with Tyra and her siblings tales of his adventures at sea, recounting challenges like food scarcity and his personal struggles with an addiction to psychoactive substances.
She would often let Jalen adorn her hair with flowers he found in the dense forest. During the summer, she would sometimes have picnics with friends and family after a long day of work. She had many friends in the village and would often play games, make flower crowns, and explore the dense forest together. Despite her love for exploration, she was often afraid to venture into the dense forest, fearing she would get lost and separated from her family. However, her friends would playfully tease her for being a coward and encourage her to be brave. Their support and well-meaning teasing helped alleviate her fears, but occasional anxiety about getting lost still lingered.
On her 6th birthday, Kyrie gifted her Gloucester, a present that reflected her love of cows. By the time she was 9, Shanae gifted her Cecropia, and her parents allowed her to experiment with makeup after she expressed interest in it. When she turned 13, her mother gave Tyra a Buck 110 Folding Hunter Knife that had belonged to her great-great-grandfather, a renowned hunter and mountaineer in Alaska.
A month before her 13th birthday, disaster struck her village. A splinter cell of Ptolemaic guerrillas and special forces operatives, led by an unknown commander and a contingent of masked cultists, launched a surprise ambush on her village. Driven by desperation, they sought any available supplies and sacrifices for Ptolemaios' cult, hoping the Avatar of Evil would kindly overlook their shortcomings stemming from the Arms Deal Barrage. The guerrillas and special forces operatives slaughtered everyone, destroyed homes, and pillaged various supplies, including medicine, food, blankets, and toiletries. Her parents and grandfather did their best to ensure that Tyra and her siblings could escape safely, but it was too late. Ptolemaic soldiers ransacked and incinerated their house, mercilessly killing half of her family.
Tyra, Jalen, Nichelle, Kaliyah, and their friends were the only children in the village who survived the attack, escaping into the dense forest. They vowed to avenge their families and village, which had been destroyed by the Ptolemaic Army. Led by Nichelle, the group of children launched a bold attack on the Ptolemaics. However, they were vastly outnumbered and outmatched, and were ultimately captured and executed by the special forces operatives for their defiance. Their bodies were then desecrated by masked cultists, who harvested their organs for a ritual dedicated to the Avatar of Evil. Tyra was the only child to survive, having initially hesitated to join the fight. She stayed behind, clinging to Gloucester and Cecropia, and gripping her mother's Buck 110 Folding Hunter Knife tightly. After half an hour, her concern grew, and she decided to investigate the village, wondering what was taking the other children so long.
This proved to be her biggest mistake, as a group of ruthless guerrilla fighters caught her near the execution site of the children. They taunted and mocked her, cruelly rejoicing in her loss. They heartlessly told her that her family and friends had been disobedient and were chosen to be sacrificed to the Avatar of Evil. They called her a coward for not fighting back and made lewd remarks about her body, while inappropriately touching her. They even went so far as to confiscate her knife and two plushies, ripping out Gloucester's left eye and slashing Cecropia's face right in front of her. Instead of killing her, they decided to keep her alive for the purposes of breeding more soldiers and satisfying their own twisted desires. They tied her up with rope, threw her in the back of their armored jeep, and drove back to a Ptolemaic Army base in the forested mountainside, set many miles away from her village. Due to this incident, Tyra felt immense shame over what she perceived as cowardice and swore to never fear for her own life again.
For the next 3 years and 10 months, the Ptolemaics forced her to bear children and raise them, threatening brutal torture if she mistreated them. During this time, she gave birth to eight children: five boys and three girls. Her children included a set of twins (one boy and one girl) and a set of fraternal triplets. They exercised strict control over her actions, watching her closely to prevent escape, sudden attacks or defiance of orders. Whenever she stepped out of line, she was subjected to brutal whippings, knife cuts, degrading verbal abuse, and inhumane acts such as being urinated on and used as a human ashtray. As a result of the mistreatment and strict control she endured, she developed generalised anxiety disorder and suffered from traumatic flashbacks and depressive episodes. To cope, she would attempt to suppress her emotions through self-harm or immerse herself in parenting and binge-eating habits. Her hatred for the Ptolemaic Army intensified into a strong desire to combat evil and seek vengeance against those who had wronged her.
Near the end of her second year at the forested mountainside Ptolemaic Army base, the unknown commander decided to train her as a guerrilla fighter, seeing her as a potential asset in bolstering Colonel Hilde Garn’s infantry and achieving Ptolemaios' goals. They put her through rigorous training in guerrilla warfare, teaching her how to handle various weaponry, ranging from blades to heavy-duty guns. After completing her training, she was not permitted to undergo the same initiation ritual as Eri because she was still regarded as a sex slave. However, she was allowed to fight alongside the guerrilla fighters when necessary, although she was prohibited from doing so during the four months preceding her due date and for the first year after giving birth. She participated in raids on several villages and towns across Alaska, seizing supplies and helping to capture and violently execute fleeing villagers and townsfolk of all ages. The guerrilla fighters and special forces operatives kidnapped many surviving teenage girls, forcing them into the same position as Tyra.
A month after giving birth to her youngest child, the Regular Army launched a counteroffensive against the Ptolemaic Army's control over Alaska. During a raid on a base miles away from Tyra's wartorn village, a group of peacekeeping troops found her being brutally assaulted by the unknown commander. This violent attack occurred after she had strangled her infant child and attempted to escape with the personal items that had been confiscated from her. They neutralised the commander and took Tyra into their care after learning she had nowhere else to turn because the Ptolemaic Army had taken everything from her. However, Tyra kept secret the fact that she had other children, ashamed to acknowledge the children of her rapists as her own. Ultimately, the Regular Army succeeded in forcing the Ptolemaic Army to retreat from Alaska and saved all of the kidnapped teenage girls, bringing Tyra immense joy and relief.
She would be placed in the Regular Army's orphan program, which provided comprehensive support, including therapy, food, safe shelter in Ajirabia, and formal education. The program encouraged Tyra to explore new interests and passions, such as hairstyling and breakdancing. She was also given the freedom to discover the outside world through field trips with her peers in the orphan program. Feeling incredibly lonely, she decided to adopt a dog and chose a brown English bulldog, captivated by the puppy's red eyes. She named the dog Angelica, after a friend who tragically fell victim to the Ptolemaic Army. Since then, Tyra has treasured Angelica's companionship and discovered a newfound love for dogs. After discovering her forced involvement in the Ptolemaic Army raids of Alaska and her expertise in various weaponry through her therapy reports, the program offered Tyra a chance to join the Peregrine Falcons Squad. Seeing this as an opportunity to fulfill her dream of fighting against evil, she accepted the offer and joined the P.F. Squad at the age of 19.
After achieving the highest grade on the written tests given to new cadets, she enthusiastically participated in all the rigorous training courses available. She was placed in the "misfit batch" due to her weapon expertise, and she struggled to trust her fellow cadets, often treating them with aloof disdain. Dilovar was the first person she befriended, drawn to his genuine tenderness, quirky sense of humour, respect for her personal boundaries, and unwavering support for her hobbies and interests. She struggled to trust Walter at first, viewing him as an arrogant and aggressive guy with an overwhelming need to one-up everyone else. However, she was willing to engage in their rivalry, seeing it as an opportunity to prove her bravery and showcase her skills as a capable fighter. She eventually grew to like and trust Walter as a comrade and friend, especially when she realised he wasn't a terrible person and he genuinely admired her fearlessness, aspiring to match it.
Alongside Dilovar and Walter, she trained in melee combat under Ralf's instruction. She was both amazed and slightly intimidated by Dilovar's feral persona and Walter's imperfect clone abilities. Despite this, she thoroughly enjoyed the training course, which significantly enhanced her fighting capabilities, particularly in close-quarters combat. She even praised Ralf as a skilled teacher, wishing he had been her original drill instructor because she didn't trust the ones she initially had.
She didn’t hesitate to participate in the final training program, eager to put the foraging and survival skills she learned from her village elders to use. She was eager to utilise her five senses at her keen disposal while prudently passing on. Upon arriving on the South Pacific archipelago with her fellow cadets, she found it odd that no intel had been provided about the island's flora, fauna, and geography. However, her excitement to start the last step towards graduation overshadowed her concerns, and she teamed up with Walter and his friends. Once they found a nearby freshwater stream, she taught them how to construct makeshift shelters and build a campfire, skills she had picked up during her days as a guerrilla.
During a solo hunting expedition, she spotted campfire smoke from a distance and suspected it might be other P.F. Squad cadets. However, upon investigating the campsite, she quickly realised it belonged to cadets from the Rebel Army, a group she had learned about prior to her final training. Desperate to escape, she managed to kill a few of them but was swiftly shot down, dragged back to their camp, and tied to a tree. Tyra soon discovered that the Rebel Army cadets' experience and equipment far surpassed hers and her fellow cadets. The Rebel Army cadets psychologically tortured her throughout the afternoon and early evening, hoping to break her spirit and extract information about her fellow cadets' locations. However, she remained stoic, refusing to show weakness, and began to mercilessly insult them out of spite. Just as the Rebel Army cadets attempted to escalate their abuse, Walter arrived just in time to free her and aid her in defeating the Rebel Army cadets.
Realising that she and Walter were unable to fight the Rebel Army alone due to their limited equipment and weaponry, Tyra agreed to search for a radio tower while he held off the enemy. During her journey, she fought off Rebel Infantrymen and freed a small group of cadets, who aided in finding the radio tower, and Intelligence Agency hostages, who provided her with rations and weapons. While relieving herself, a group of fanatic land troops ambushed and sexually assaulted her. Luckily, Guilherme intervened, scaring them away by sniping a few down and warning them that he would report this incident to their superiors. The encounter triggered memories of her past trauma at the hands of the Ptolemaic Army, leaving her on the verge of a mental breakdown. However, Guilherme's comfort and support helped her cope, and his compassion and kindness gave her the strength to persevere. After talking with him for 30 minutes, Tyra began to regard him as a father figure before they departed to resume their duties.
With the help of a few cadets, she located Rumi, who had gathered crucial intel on Rebel Army positions but got lost in the jungle. After being briefed on the situation, Rumi led her to the radio tower, and they contacted the Joint Military Operations Headquarters for backup. They received word that Division 6 would arrive at the beach as soon as possible. She, Rumi, and the rescued cadets met up with Division 6 at the beach. Together, they devised a plan to approach the Rebel Army, utilizing Rumi's intel and rumors of unethical experiments on the island, which a few cadets had overheard from Rebel soldiers. The team then searched for Walter and found him hiding in a cave hideout, eating a couple of bananas he foraged during his time in the jungle. They discovered that he rescued a couple of hostages and repurposed the corpses of Rebel soldiers as potential decoys.
After the battle against The Keesi III, Logan ambushed Tyra's comrades and kidnapped her, bringing her to a vast dungeon used by the Rebel Army and the P’isqu Runakuna (“bird people” in Quechua). Tyra was merely a pawn to buy time for the activation and preparation of the Cabracan. She suffered brutal treatment, including being stabbed in her right eye. Logan attempted to further demoralise her through physical assault and interrogation, seeking information about Regular Army cadet training and other sensitive details she might be aware of. However, she remained defiant, refusing to speak and dismissing his questions with crude insults and sarcasm. Fortunately, after Logan departed to rejoin the battle, Rumi and Allen Jr. discovered Tyra's location and rescued her from captivity.
After destroying the Cabracan, the base initiated its self-destruct sequence. Although everyone managed to escape, Tyra became trapped under debris, which crushed her left leg and severely burned her lower half. Fortunately, Walter, Dilovar, Allen Jr., and Nayutaro came to her aid, and Rumi provided medical attention. Following the Survival Island Occupation, Tyra graduated with top honours alongside Walter and Dilovar. After undergoing a left leg amputation and receiving a cybernetic prosthetic from Tarma, she joined Division 6, having accepted Hyakutaro's invitation, and rose to the rank of Warrant Officer. At the Joint Military Operations Headquarters' medical facility, she met Nadia, and was impressed by her ability to treat cadets who were transformed into mantis and simian monsters. This sparked her admiration for Nadia's bubbly personality and willingness to tackle complex, science-related problems.
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obnebulant-mogai · 10 months ago
NPD adjacent flag! This flag is left vague so one can use it whether they are sure they have NPD, or just display traits, or are questioning. This was made with people who have trouble pinpointing their neurodivergencies in mind and is NOT to be used by transid/transx supporters.
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[ID: Three images.
The first image is a flag with ten equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are red black, dark red, brick red, terracotta orange, carrot orange, yellow orange, bright yellow, white, bright lavender blue, and lavender blue. In the center of the flag is the outline of the narcissus flower colored red black. End First ID.
The second image is a flag with nine equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are maroon, red orange, bright orange, bright yellow, pink white, light blue, light purple, flower purple, and plum purple. In the center of the flag is the outline of a narcissus flower colored dark purple. End second ID.
The third image is a flag with ten equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are bright purple, bright magenta, bright red, bright orange, pastel orange, bright yellow, off white, white, pastel green, and tea green. In the center of the flag is the outline of a narcissus flower colored dark indigo purple. End third ID.]
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[ID: A divider that consists of a thin white line with three stars on each side. End ID.]
Flags by me, with sampled colors from NPD flags created by @/npdsafe and @/acidkeylime. Requested by @loveasappho. Tagging @npd-archive.
Narcissus outline symbol from the noun project. Link: https://thenounproject.com/icon/narcissus-1276973/
Flags without symbols below the cut:
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[ID: A divider that consists of a thin white line with three stars on each side. End ID.]
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[ID: Three images.
The first image is a flag with ten equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are red black, dark red, brick red, terracotta orange, carrot orange, yellow orange, bright yellow, white, bright lavender blue, and lavender blue. End first ID.
The second image is a flag with nine equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are maroon, red orange, bright orange, bright yellow, pink white, light blue, light purple, flower purple, and plum purple. End second ID.
The third image is a flag with ten equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are bright purple, bright magenta, bright red, bright orange, pastel orange, bright yellow, off white, white, pastel green, and tea green. End third ID.]
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gender-darling · 11 months ago
(⠀🎀⠀) : ❝ Phobia flags (Part 6) ❞
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[Image IDs: 3 flags: The first flag is a rectangular flag with eleven equally sized horizontal stripes. The colors from top to bottom are as follows, and are mirrored after the last mentioned color: Grayish sky blue, pastel lime green, pale gold, orange, magenta, and violet.
The second flag is a rectangular flag with eleven equally sized horizontal stripes. The colors from top to bottom are as follows, and are mirrored after the last mentioned color: Grayish sky blue, pastel purple, dusty purple, magenta, dark magenta, and dark red-pink.
The third flag is a rectangular flag with eleven equally sized horizontal stripes. The colors from top to bottom are as follows, and are mirrored after the last mentioned color: Sandy brown, terracotta, sage green, brown, sandy brown, and dark brown-gray. /IDs end.]
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— ❝ Phonophobia(link), sexophobia(link), and trypanophobia(link) flags ❞
  — Tagging @mousesquared and @mad-pride. This is not a gender , do not tag it as such
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Please read my rentry before interacting ! Don't repost ! ♡
Like what i do ? Consider donating to my Ko-Fi !
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p-rtyboy · 6 months ago
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Flag id: Two rectangular flaga with 6 uneven horizontal stripes, the stripes are made to look like fur with dappled rosette design. There are a pair of rounded small cat ears on the second stripe and a face of a feline in the center with the eyes, mouth, a tongue sticking out, blush, and fangs. On the left flag, the face is outlined in dark magenta while the fangs are colored light cream and the nose and tongue are colored terracotta red. The colors, from top to bottom, are dark magenta, terracotta red, light cream, blue, dark blue, and very dark blue On the right flag, the face is outlined in dark purple while the fangs are colored light yellow and the nose and tongue are colored dark teal. The colors, from top to bottom, are dark purple, dark teal, light yellow, pink, dark reddish pink, and very dark reddish pink /End id
Man Snow Kitty [left]
Pt: Man Snow Kitty [left] /end pt
Men who feel connected to snow leopards in some way; such as being otherkin / therian, an alter, or if you just really like snow leopards! — This can also be called Man Snow Leopard!
Woman Snow Kitty [right]
Pt: Woman Snow Kitty [right] /end pt
Women who feel connected to snow leopards in some way; such as being otherkin / therian, an alter, or if you just really like snow leopards! — This can also be called Woman Snow Leopard
Coined on July 29th, 2024
Colors picked from the man / woman [link] flags by @/tartersause , the Snow Kitty flag is based on the Kitty flag by @loveletterliom — etymology: man / woman + snow kitty
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Banner id: @/prettypinknarc in lavender text, with clipart of a rosy maple moth on the left and a black outline /end id
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foggysilverfeathers · 1 year ago
Hermit Permit Masterlist
! This is a WIP due to not every hermit’s video being out yet !
! This is also not yet up to date with any trades, please let me know if any have happened that aren’t on this list !
Cub: Nylium, White Glass, Amethyst, Purple Terracotta, All Horns, Prismarine
Doc: Magma, Blue Glass, Dirt, Blaze Rods, Pots and Sherds, All Dyes (and flowers)
False: Totems, Saddles, All Nether Plants, Glow Lichen, Pink Terracotta, All Concrete, JOKER
Gem: Clay, All Nether Bricks, Yellow Glass, Moss, Tridents, All Coral
Scar: Orange Glass, Light Grey Wool, Cyan Glass, Black Terracotta, Bricks, Sand and Gravel
Grian: Leads and Bundles, Red Sand products, Campfires, All Ice, Mushroom Blocks, Iron and Gold
Hypno: Grey Glass, Cobble, Lava Buckets, Green Terracotta, Coarse Dirt, Tough Stuff (e.g obsidian, ender chests, etc.)
Impulse: Brown Glass, Brown Wool, Grass, Light Grey Terracotta, Red Terracotta, Quartz
Iskall: Purple Glass, Horse Armour, Cut Grass, TNT, White Terracotta, Rockets (flight)
Joe: White Wool, F Tier Books (e.g Bane of Arthropods), Black Glass, All Leaves, Nametags, Oak and Birch Logs
Pearl: Mossy Cobble, Magenta Wool, Purpur, Bone Blocks, Grey Terracotta, All Templates (i.e armour trims)
Ren: Rails, Lily Pads, Light Grey Glass, Diorite, Honeycomb, Conduits and Beacons
Stress: End Rods, Coal, Light Green Glass, Blue Terracotta, Deepslate, Packed Mud
Beef: Dripleaf, Book and Quill, Basalt, Light blue Terracotta, Shulkers, Warped and Crimson Stem
Wels: Light Blue Glass, Red Glass, Stone, Magenta Terracotta, Blackstone, Redstone #2
XB: Cyan Wool, Black Wool, Ferns, Cyan Terracotta, Granite, All Food
Xisuma: Lime Wool, Grey Wool, All Bucket Mobs (e.g Axolotls), Rooted Dirt, Yellow Terracotta,
Cleo: Red Wool, Soul Sand and Soul Soil, Hay bales, Orange Terracotta, Lime Terracotta, S Tier Books (e.g Mending)
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ladyoriza · 8 months ago
what color is your ocs aura
tagged by @simplegenius042 for this uquiz
let's do @echthr0s @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed and @josephseedismyfather and anyone else reading this bc i cannot remember everyone
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Forest fern leaves, greenhouses, cloaks, bookstores, pine trees, chokers, snake scales. your essence is forest: you are insightful and intense, possessed by your thoughts. you seek the impossible; you are pulled between pragmatism and romanticism, never sure which is right. often you rest in the spaces between black and white, lost in theory. you are the observer. you are the hypothesizer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of green, sage, moss, and teal, who share your deep contemplation. you are also drawn to the imaginative souls navy and amber, who will help you grow and help you let go of the rational. however, you may struggle to get along with the theatrical personalities of magenta and gold who are too loud in their pride.
ETHAN (still haven't made a banner for whoops) Crimson rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, dripping jewelry. your essence is crimson: you are the strong, defiant and avoidant. you crave some sort of deviation; to walk in another's footsteps feels mundane, a waste of your time. you are possessive and never look back at the things you've lost or forgotten. you are the rebel. you are the one who will change the world. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of red, blush, garnet, and bronze, who share your impassioned existence. you are also drawn to the confident souls royal and gold, who will help you grow and show that not everyone seeks to break you. however, you may struggle to get along with the slow-acting personalities of navy and umber who never seem assertive about anything.
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Chartreuse handbooks, spring buds, bamboo, forest ponds, glass, vintage sofas, fairy circles. your essence is chartreuse: curious and thoughtful, you are a surveyor of patterns. you enjoy your introversion; you feel most in your skin when you're alone, autonomous and uncontrolled. your enthusiasm comes through when expressing your passions to your close companions. you are the analyst. you are the detailer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of moss, honeysuckle, green, and yellow, who share your natural inquisition. you are also drawn to the intense souls jade and fire, who will help you grow and not be so dependent on your knowledge. however, you may struggle to get along with the people-pleasing personalities of pink and yellow who seem too disingenuous.
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Fire sunrises, woven blankets, campfires, tigers, whiskey, monarchs, roadtrips. your essence is fire: you are the bold spirit of adventure. you seek out others who can broaden your horizons; a life best lived is one that's vivacious, but also makes a difference. you are steadfastly committed to your values and do not waver from your opinions. you are the inspirer. you are the opportunist. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of coral, bronze, red, and orange, who share your strong opinions. you are also drawn to the contemplative souls jade and chartreuse, who will help you grow and see the fullness of your vision. however, you may struggle to get along with the opinionated personalities of wine and mauve who act above reproach.
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Tawny fall leaves, candles, blood oranges, hawk feathers, ladybugs, clay dust, toadstools. your essence is tawny: you are an energetic force with purpose. there is a genuine care for others that dictates your actions; still, you do not doubt you know best. effortlessly a leader, you extend your wings to watch over the ones you love. you are the protector. you are the consul. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta, garnet, blush, and beige, who share your strong core. you are also drawn to the open-minded souls periwinkle and peach, who will help you grow and show you how to open your boundaries. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of seafoam and ashen who are thought-heavy.
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firstaidspray · 8 months ago
Picrew + Uquiz!!
Tagged by @roofgeese and @rhettsabbott to do this picrew and this uquiz. Thank you!!
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Lilith (Alan Wake)
Magenta splattered paint, glitter, childhood friends, neon, pleather, dance floors, crystals. your essence is magenta: you are charming and lead with your heart. you are drawn to people; you adore the thrill, that rush of attention when making an instant connection. even if you are not genuine, you are confident. you are the enchanter. you are the party-goer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of pink, rose, amethyst, and amaranth, who share your magnetism towards others. you are also drawn to the driven noir and umber, who will help you grow and become more introspective. however, you may struggle to get along with the ruminating personalities of forest and marigold who seem to always overthink.
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Cali Ortega (Resident Evil)
leather jackets, cherries, bruised knuckles, roses, lipstick, fast cars, rose petals. your essence is red: you are a spirit of intensity who effortlessly inspires others. you struggle to slow down; there is always another goal, another prize, to prove you are strong enough to them. you cannot stop speaking for the voiceless. you are the torch-wielder. you are the rebel. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of crimson, blush, terracotta, and fire, who share your unapologetic nature. you are also drawn to the free-spirited souls purple and yellow, who will help you grow and see that you can lighten your heart sometimes. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of blue and brown who are too methodical.
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minecraftblockbrawl · 2 years ago
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After a long wait, Minecraft Block Brawl is ready to begin!
The polls will start Thursday, June 15 at noon EST. May the best block win!
Side 1 (June 15)
Acacia Wood vs Air
Amethyst Block vs Barrier
Bedrock vs Birch
Calcite vs Cherry Leaves
Cherry Planks vs Chiseled Sandstone
Chiseled Red Sandstone vs Crafting Table
Crimson Stem/Hyphae vs Crying Obsidian
Dark Oak Planks vs Dark Prismarine
Deepslate Gold Ore vs Deepslate Tiles
Diorite vs Enchantment/Enchanting Table
Falling Sand vs Fletching Table
Flowering Azalea Leaves vs Grass Black
Ice vs Light Blue Stained Glass
Mangrove Planks vs Magenta Glazed Terracotta
Lava vs Moss Block
Mossy Cobblestone vs Mushroom Stem
Side 2 (June 29)
Light Grey Glazed Terracotta vs Mud Brick
Mycelium vs Note Block
Oak Plank vs Obsidian
Orange Glazed Terracotta vs Oxidized Copper
Pearlescent Froglight vs Petrified Slab
Pink Concrete vs Polished Basalt
Powdered Snow vs Purpur
Red Mushroom Block vs Quartz Block
Spruce Log vs Soul Soil
Stone vs Stone Brick
Tinted Glass vs Stripped Warped Stem/Hyphae
Warped Stem/Hyphae vs Exposed Cut Copper Stair
Red Sand vs Sculk Block
White Glazed Terracotta vs White Concrete Powder
Shroomlight vs Slime
Smooth Quartz Block vs Raw Copper Block
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cleverhottubmiracle · 9 days ago
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For many women, lingerie is thought to be utilitarian – practical, useful, necessary. That can include sleepwear as well. But they can be so much more if you’ll let them. Killer lingerie and sleepwear choices are those where you’ve taken into consideration all your personal assets – eye color, hair color as well as your complexion. After all, you already do this when selecting makeup colors. So, consider going outside your traditional lingerie and sleepwear color palettes and find some new hues and tones that will complement and highlight your natural beauty and features. Here are some ideas and guidelines.Best Colors to Complement Your EyesConsider the color of your eyes the next time you choose lingerie and sleepwear. The right shade can make your eyes stand out.Blue eyes – The cliché is that any shade of blue will accentuate your eyes. While this is sort of true, specific blues are super flattering. The pale muted and more powdery blue shades work best. Also, mixing browns with these blue tones is a winning combination. Other standout colors with baby-blue eyes are grays, peaches, and terracotta; with these last two being from the orange family, which is both the opposing and complementary color to blue.Green eyes – Any green for the green-eyed lady works. Reds and prints combining hues of red and green are simply outstanding. Olives and earth tones, too, make green eyes pop.Hazel & Brown eyes – The color brown is created by combining all the colors of the rainbow. Therefore, every color looks fabulous with these eye colors – especially earth tones and animal prints. But more than any of the other eye colors, hazel and brown eyes wearing rich intense color shades like purple, orange, green, and gold really make peepers pop.Best Colors to Complement Your HairTake your tresses into consideration, too, when considering a new lingerie or sleepwear hue.White & Gray – The instant fabulous lingerie colors to wear with white and light-gray hair are black, navy, and pure white – not ivory or cream. Also stunning are jewel tones like sapphire blue, ruby red, amethyst purples, garnet magenta, and turquoise. Not so great would be trying to exact-match your hair color because it can look aging. And greens and yellows can halo into your hair giving it a similar shade.Blondes – Pastels tend to look the best with blonde hair. The light pinks, baby blue, lavender, butter yellows, and grassy greens do not overpower the light nature of the hair color. Wearing darker lingerie colors with blonde hair can take away your soft appearance. It can age you and wash you out. That said, a true crimson red, violet, or turquoise are all undeniably eye-catching on any blonde.Redheads – Sassy saturated bright colors – especially green – and strong earth tones are outstanding lingerie colors on redheads. And almost any animal print is stunning. Not so great are orange, yellow, purply reds, most pinks, and yellowish greens.Brunettes & Darker – Dark hair looks wonderful with strong colors, earth tones, and colorful prints. Though light colors, too, will work, they don’t give you much of a punch when standing in just your lingerie. Navy blue, hunter green, red, burgundy, and purples are guaranteed to flatter. Also, strong animal prints. Bottom line: vibrant colors and prints are sure winners with your hair color.Best Colors to Complement your ComplexionA woman wearing lingerie perfectly matched to her complexion, in reality, looks a little odd. I know this to be true because I’ve seen this phenomenon many times in our studios. For a split second, you think the model is naked and without some basic body identifiers. But, put a slightly darker nude shade on her, and she now has some contour which is more flattering. Again, like makeup, contouring increases our attractiveness. If skin-toned lingerie is your desire, select a shade a little darker than your natural complexion. It will enhance your curves and draw the eye more to your assets. By contrast, wearing a skin tone lighter than your own will draw the eye to your skin.We’ve discussed eye and hair color, but obviously, your complexion is also an important factor to consider in choosing lingerie colors, since it’s the first layer of clothing put on against your skin. And who knows when someone will see you wearing nothing more?Light complexions – This complexion tone does best in pastel and powdery colors. Neon hues and skin tones that closely match your complexion should be avoided. But, should you also have contrasting hair and eye color, you can also venture out into brighter and bolder lingerie colors for a more dramatic look – especially in your sleepwear.Mid-range complexions – Women with mid-range skin tones – which include olive and tan skin – look terrific in rich colors like rust and forest green, because they beautifully complement the warm undertones in your complexion. But also, be guided by your hair and eye color.Dark Complexions – Ladies with darker skin can very effectively wear darker colors of lingerie and sleepwear. Again, animal prints too are a big win. Of course, both pastel and darker tones will work on darker complexions, but brighter intense hues will really pop. Alternatively, light-colored bras and panties will offer a stark contrast to your skin tone which, too, can be alluring.Interesting Facts about Specific Lingerie ColorsWhite – The color white is the most popular lingerie color worldwide. But not in the USA. Why? Because American women are somewhat obsessed with making sure their undergarments appear invisible under their clothing. We are the only country obsessively wearing skin-toned lingerie. But, we do wear a fair share of white sleepwear.White lingerie gives a clean and fresh look, but it does have its drawbacks. True white lingerie is actually dyed white. Over time this dye yellows. Even bleach can’t make it white again. White also easily stains. But for you nursing mothers, nothing hides a little breast milk leak or spit-up like a white nursing bra.Beige/Nude Names – In our new world of political correctness, many lingerie manufacturers were under attack for labeling flesh tones “nude”. They responded by giving new, and many would argue nonsensical, names to colors intentionally created to mimic our complexions. Some have gone with coffee analogies; latte, café au lait, and cappuccino. Others are inspired by nuts: walnut, chestnut, toasted almond. Adding “rose” to the color name is popular: rose dust, blushing rose, rose perle. Names are coming from foods: chocolate, amaretto, soft toffee. Then there are names that make little sense: Satellite, Chai, Fawn. The good news is our color filter assigns each of these color names to either “Nude (Light)”, “Nude (Medium)” or “Nude (Dark)” to help you more easily find the shade you are looking for.Black – Black is not really mentioned in my conversation above. That’s because it really goes without saying; black lingerie looks fantastic on every woman. So, we all should have black lingerie in our lingerie drawers. It’s sexy. We look polished wearing it. We look thinner. The eye is drawn to our assets. Men love it. And a black bra strap peeking out from under any color never looks bad.Red – A New Zealand Scientific study found that red is the color that makes all of us the most attractive to others. But, for men and women, there are different reasons. The study found that women are attracted to men wearing red because it signals to us he is a good provider and higher up on the social ladder. Men, on the other hand, are attracted to us wearing red due to simple primal biology.Should you be in Spain on New Year’s Eve, it’s tradition to be wearing a new pair of red underpants to seal in good luck for the coming year.Yellow – I was in Peru over Christmas one year. Visiting the markets, I was stunned to see all these yellow underpants for sale. Not a great color on anyone. Well, our guide explained that wearing yellow underwear on New Year’s Eve in Peru, Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico is said to bring you good fortune. The yellow color is symbolic of gold which to these countries means wealth and money. But there’s a catch; you need to receive your new yellow pair as a gift to lock in your future success.Brown – Did you know the color crowned “The ugliest color in the world” is Pantone 448C? Described as a “drab, dark brown” shade that many claim feels like dirt or death is now the color used in 14 countries on generic cigarette packaging. As you can see from the swatch below, it is kind of an olive brown. Am I the only one who thinks it’s really attractive? I actually wear this color and love it!Wearing lingerie in colors that are the most attractive on you may not be seen by others very often, but it is seen by the most important person – YOU! Keep your color choices a secret or share them with others. Either way, you’ll know you’re looking your best. Source link
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norajworld · 9 days ago
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For many women, lingerie is thought to be utilitarian – practical, useful, necessary. That can include sleepwear as well. But they can be so much more if you’ll let them. Killer lingerie and sleepwear choices are those where you’ve taken into consideration all your personal assets – eye color, hair color as well as your complexion. After all, you already do this when selecting makeup colors. So, consider going outside your traditional lingerie and sleepwear color palettes and find some new hues and tones that will complement and highlight your natural beauty and features. Here are some ideas and guidelines.Best Colors to Complement Your EyesConsider the color of your eyes the next time you choose lingerie and sleepwear. The right shade can make your eyes stand out.Blue eyes – The cliché is that any shade of blue will accentuate your eyes. While this is sort of true, specific blues are super flattering. The pale muted and more powdery blue shades work best. Also, mixing browns with these blue tones is a winning combination. Other standout colors with baby-blue eyes are grays, peaches, and terracotta; with these last two being from the orange family, which is both the opposing and complementary color to blue.Green eyes – Any green for the green-eyed lady works. Reds and prints combining hues of red and green are simply outstanding. Olives and earth tones, too, make green eyes pop.Hazel & Brown eyes – The color brown is created by combining all the colors of the rainbow. Therefore, every color looks fabulous with these eye colors – especially earth tones and animal prints. But more than any of the other eye colors, hazel and brown eyes wearing rich intense color shades like purple, orange, green, and gold really make peepers pop.Best Colors to Complement Your HairTake your tresses into consideration, too, when considering a new lingerie or sleepwear hue.White & Gray – The instant fabulous lingerie colors to wear with white and light-gray hair are black, navy, and pure white – not ivory or cream. Also stunning are jewel tones like sapphire blue, ruby red, amethyst purples, garnet magenta, and turquoise. Not so great would be trying to exact-match your hair color because it can look aging. And greens and yellows can halo into your hair giving it a similar shade.Blondes – Pastels tend to look the best with blonde hair. The light pinks, baby blue, lavender, butter yellows, and grassy greens do not overpower the light nature of the hair color. Wearing darker lingerie colors with blonde hair can take away your soft appearance. It can age you and wash you out. That said, a true crimson red, violet, or turquoise are all undeniably eye-catching on any blonde.Redheads – Sassy saturated bright colors – especially green – and strong earth tones are outstanding lingerie colors on redheads. And almost any animal print is stunning. Not so great are orange, yellow, purply reds, most pinks, and yellowish greens.Brunettes & Darker – Dark hair looks wonderful with strong colors, earth tones, and colorful prints. Though light colors, too, will work, they don’t give you much of a punch when standing in just your lingerie. Navy blue, hunter green, red, burgundy, and purples are guaranteed to flatter. Also, strong animal prints. Bottom line: vibrant colors and prints are sure winners with your hair color.Best Colors to Complement your ComplexionA woman wearing lingerie perfectly matched to her complexion, in reality, looks a little odd. I know this to be true because I’ve seen this phenomenon many times in our studios. For a split second, you think the model is naked and without some basic body identifiers. But, put a slightly darker nude shade on her, and she now has some contour which is more flattering. Again, like makeup, contouring increases our attractiveness. If skin-toned lingerie is your desire, select a shade a little darker than your natural complexion. It will enhance your curves and draw the eye more to your assets. By contrast, wearing a skin tone lighter than your own will draw the eye to your skin.We’ve discussed eye and hair color, but obviously, your complexion is also an important factor to consider in choosing lingerie colors, since it’s the first layer of clothing put on against your skin. And who knows when someone will see you wearing nothing more?Light complexions – This complexion tone does best in pastel and powdery colors. Neon hues and skin tones that closely match your complexion should be avoided. But, should you also have contrasting hair and eye color, you can also venture out into brighter and bolder lingerie colors for a more dramatic look – especially in your sleepwear.Mid-range complexions – Women with mid-range skin tones – which include olive and tan skin – look terrific in rich colors like rust and forest green, because they beautifully complement the warm undertones in your complexion. But also, be guided by your hair and eye color.Dark Complexions – Ladies with darker skin can very effectively wear darker colors of lingerie and sleepwear. Again, animal prints too are a big win. Of course, both pastel and darker tones will work on darker complexions, but brighter intense hues will really pop. Alternatively, light-colored bras and panties will offer a stark contrast to your skin tone which, too, can be alluring.Interesting Facts about Specific Lingerie ColorsWhite – The color white is the most popular lingerie color worldwide. But not in the USA. Why? Because American women are somewhat obsessed with making sure their undergarments appear invisible under their clothing. We are the only country obsessively wearing skin-toned lingerie. But, we do wear a fair share of white sleepwear.White lingerie gives a clean and fresh look, but it does have its drawbacks. True white lingerie is actually dyed white. Over time this dye yellows. Even bleach can’t make it white again. White also easily stains. But for you nursing mothers, nothing hides a little breast milk leak or spit-up like a white nursing bra.Beige/Nude Names – In our new world of political correctness, many lingerie manufacturers were under attack for labeling flesh tones “nude”. They responded by giving new, and many would argue nonsensical, names to colors intentionally created to mimic our complexions. Some have gone with coffee analogies; latte, café au lait, and cappuccino. Others are inspired by nuts: walnut, chestnut, toasted almond. Adding “rose” to the color name is popular: rose dust, blushing rose, rose perle. Names are coming from foods: chocolate, amaretto, soft toffee. Then there are names that make little sense: Satellite, Chai, Fawn. The good news is our color filter assigns each of these color names to either “Nude (Light)”, “Nude (Medium)” or “Nude (Dark)” to help you more easily find the shade you are looking for.Black – Black is not really mentioned in my conversation above. That’s because it really goes without saying; black lingerie looks fantastic on every woman. So, we all should have black lingerie in our lingerie drawers. It’s sexy. We look polished wearing it. We look thinner. The eye is drawn to our assets. Men love it. And a black bra strap peeking out from under any color never looks bad.Red – A New Zealand Scientific study found that red is the color that makes all of us the most attractive to others. But, for men and women, there are different reasons. The study found that women are attracted to men wearing red because it signals to us he is a good provider and higher up on the social ladder. Men, on the other hand, are attracted to us wearing red due to simple primal biology.Should you be in Spain on New Year’s Eve, it’s tradition to be wearing a new pair of red underpants to seal in good luck for the coming year.Yellow – I was in Peru over Christmas one year. Visiting the markets, I was stunned to see all these yellow underpants for sale. Not a great color on anyone. Well, our guide explained that wearing yellow underwear on New Year’s Eve in Peru, Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico is said to bring you good fortune. The yellow color is symbolic of gold which to these countries means wealth and money. But there’s a catch; you need to receive your new yellow pair as a gift to lock in your future success.Brown – Did you know the color crowned “The ugliest color in the world” is Pantone 448C? Described as a “drab, dark brown” shade that many claim feels like dirt or death is now the color used in 14 countries on generic cigarette packaging. As you can see from the swatch below, it is kind of an olive brown. Am I the only one who thinks it’s really attractive? I actually wear this color and love it!Wearing lingerie in colors that are the most attractive on you may not be seen by others very often, but it is seen by the most important person – YOU! Keep your color choices a secret or share them with others. Either way, you’ll know you’re looking your best. Source link
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